Butcher Block - Pros & Cons

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Butcher Block - Pros & Cons

Butcher Block countertops have been around for many years and bring a classic look to any kitchen. Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of having one installed in your kitchen.


  • Versatile - One of the great perks about having a butcher block countertop is the versatility that comes with it. Have a modern looking kitchen or a traditional one? Butcher Block is one of those materials that can work with pretty much any style kitchen.
  • Appearance -  There are many different styles of wood to choose from when picking a Butcher Block. It's not just one style of wood or one style of finish. You can choose anything from bamboo to maple to red oak and anything in between. 
  • Warm - Unlike other countertop options, because Butcher Block is made out of wood not only does it give an overall warmer look to your kitchen, it's also warm to the touch. Unlike other countertops that are colder to the touch like marble, granite, and quartz you won't run into that issue with Butcher Block.
  • Working Surface - Unlike other coutertop's that typically tell you not to cut directly on the surface of the material, Butcher Block allows you to do just that. It's a great prepping surface and wood is easier on knives, allowing the edges of your knives to last longer.


  • Sealing - Since Butcher Block is made out of wood, it has to be sealed correctly. Due to its porous nature, you could run into issues with germs and water issues if it is not sealed correctly.
  • Water - As mentioned above, water can be woods number one enemy. If the counter is not properly sealed and then maintained with some form of mineral oil or other sealer you could run into problems if water sits on the surface too long. This is especially important if you have Butcher Block installed by the sink area.
  • Refinishing - Depending on how often you use a Butcher Block countertop, you may start to see some wear and tear. If that's the case, you may have to reseal it or even sand it down  and reapply the finish. While it may not be that big of an to do every few years, it's just another thing to think about.
  • Surface Damage - Due to Butcher Block being a surface that you could work directly on, you more often than not will start to notice scratches and dents. Some people may not like that overall look, so we recommend avoid using it as a working surface and use a cutting board to avoid this issue. Although in some cases, people find that this gives the overall countertop some character which they end up liking.

What are your thoughts on Butcher Block counters? Let us know in the comments!

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